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Web Developer Skills Assessment

Software and Web Development
40 tests


A Web Developer is a highly skilled computer programmer who is proficient in coding and modifying websites, from layout to function, according to a client's specifications.

Covered skills


Which skills are tested?

Our skill assessment is tailored specifically for candidates applying to be web developers. It covers a wide spectrum of web development skills that include but are not limited to designing and coding websites, improving the user interface and developing features for enhanced user experience. By adopting this comprehensive approach, our skill assessment aims to identify candidates with a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end technologies, and with an aptitude for visual design and analysis.

Our web developer skill assessment includes various tests such as Angular, Django, Ember.js, Express.js, and much more to measure candidates' proficiency in using modern web development tools and frameworks. These tests also assess knowledge in REST API & HTTP, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and Vue.js, which are fundamental skills required by web developers.

The assessment also includes evaluation of candidates' knowledge in Git, critical for version control, and their understanding of Software Engineering principles. We also measure the grasp of languages like Python, and PHP and the ability to work with various libraries and frameworks. Through this skill assessment, we aim to identify well-rounded web developer candidates who have a deep understanding of how to create, maintain and improve dynamic websites and web applications.


Software and Web Development
40 tests

Choose and Combine these 40 Tests to find the best Web Developer


Programming Language
15 min
This JavaScript test evaluates candidates' knowledge and proficiency in JavaScript and best practices. The test helps to identify developers who can craft efficient, well-structured solutions for your web application needs.


Programming Language
15 min
This Python Programming test evaluates candidates’ knowledge and skills around the core fundamentals and advanced aspects of Python, such as problem-solving capabilities, code optimization, and debugging. This screening test will help identify developers who can effectively develop, run, and troubleshoot Python applications.


Programming Language
15 min
This C# test evaluates candidates' knowledge of fundamental C# concepts, including syntax, data types, and object-oriented programming, as well as their ability to solve common programming problems using C#.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Vue.js test measures a candidate’s proficiency in Vue.js and its associated best practices. It assesses the candidate’s ability to utilize this progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
The Angular test assesses candidates' proficiency, practical knowledge, and skills in the Angular framework for developing scalable web applications.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This React.js test aims to measure candidates' competency in utilizing the React.js library to create robust user interfaces. It evaluates knowledge of setting up a React.js environment, creating components, managing state and props, and utilizing React ecosystem libraries.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Node.js test measures candidates' knowledge and proficiency in Node.js, a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime, used for building scalable network applications.


10 min
This Salesforce test evaluates the candidates' proficiency in successfully developing robust applications using Salesforce's Framework and Libraries. This allows you to identify technically skilled developers capable of leveraging Salesforce functionalities for streamlining business processes.


Databases & BI
10 min
This MySQL test evaluates candidates' understanding of MySQL database management system. It helps identify professionals who can seamlessly work with MySQL to create, manage and administer databases.


DevOps & Cloud
10 min
This Git Test measures candidates' understanding and practical skills in using Git, the most popular version control system. It will help you identify professionals who can effectively manage and oversee your software development process using Git.

Ionic React

Mobile Applications
10 min
This Ionic React test evaluates candidates' skills and expertise in leveraging the capabilities of Ionic React Framework, and their ability to create and manage efficient and scalable mobile applications using this technology.


Mobile Applications
10 min
This Flutter test evaluates candidates' skills and knowledge about the Flutter SDK for crafting high-quality native interfaces in iOS and Android. Successful candidates can design custom UI and deliver excellent user experience across different devices and platforms.

Ionic Angular

Mobile Applications
10 min
The Ionic Angular test measures candidates' knowledge and ability with the Ionic Angular framework, primarily focusing on app development in the mobile applications space. This will assist in identifying those who can deliver scalable and maintainable mobile applications.


Quality Assurance
10 min
This Mocha test screens candidates' understanding of the well-known JavaScript testing framework, Mocha.js. It evaluates their ability to write unit tests using this lightweight and flexible library, improving the robustness and reliability of your platform.

Web Testing

Quality Assurance
10 min
This Web Testing test measures candidate's knowledge and experience with testing web applications, focusing on areas such as functionality, usability, compatibility, performance, and security.


Data Science & Big Data
10 min
This TensorFlow test assesses candidates' knowledge and skillfulness in using the TensorFlow library for machine learning and dataflow programming to sculpt sophisticated models hosted in a user-friendly environment.

Python Pandas

Data Science & Big Data
10 min
This test evaluates candidates' competence in using Pandas, a powerful Python library for data analysis and manipulation. It measures their ability to clean, transform, and visualize complex data sets using this framework.


10 min
This REST API & HTTP test evaluates candidates' understanding of REST architectural style, HTTP specifications, and their ability to design and implement RESTful APIs. This test will help you identify experts capable of building scalable REST-based services.

Software Engineering

10 min
The Software Engineering test screens candidates' understanding of software engineering principles and their ability to apply them in real-world situations. This test will help you find software engineering professionals who can execute all stages of software development, from conception to final deployment.

OOP & Design Patterns

10 min
This test assesses candidates' knowledge and understanding of object-oriented programming (OOP) and design patterns. It will help you identify individuals proficient in using OOP principles and design patterns in application and web development.

Abstract Reasoning

10 min
This Abstract Reasoning test evaluates candidates' ability to identify patterns and relationships in complex conditions. It helps you identify individuals with strong analytical skills and the intellectual capacity to work through abstract ideas and problems.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Svelte test helps assess potential candidates' proficiency in using the Svelte framework, their understanding of its unique architecture and reactivity model, and their ability to optimize this framework for the best web application performance.


Programming Language
15 min
This HTML/CSS test evaluates candidates' understanding of the core principles of HTML and CSS, and their ability to use these languages effectively to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites.


Programming Language
15 min
This PHP test evaluates candidates' knowledge of the PHP scripting language, focusing on various aspects like syntax, OOP concepts, and database connectivity. It will help you identify professionals skilled at using PHP for server-side scripting.


Programming Language
15 min
This TypeScript assessment measures candidates' understanding and experience with TypeScript, including its features, types, classes, and modules. The test helps in hiring skilled developers proficient in this popular superset of JavaScript.


DevOps & Cloud
10 min
This Flux test evaluates candidates' understanding and experience of the Flux architecture, reactions, and stores. It helps identify candidates who can effectively use Flux for managing state in complex application environments.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
The ASP.NET (Core) MVC test evaluates candidates' understanding of the ASP.NET Core MVC framework, including both its logic and structure. The test allows you to hire the right professionals who can build robust and scalable web applications using this technology.

ASP.NET Web Forms

Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This ASP.NET Web Forms screening test evaluates candidates ability to create dynamic web applications using ASP.NET Web Forms framework. It measures their understanding of the event-driven programming model and helps you identify programmers who can effectively leverage the simplicity of Web Forms.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Bootstrap test evaluates candidates' proficiency in using the Bootstrap framework to create responsive, mobile-first websites. They should demonstrate a thorough understanding of Bootstrap's core principles and components.


Databases & BI
10 min
This MongoDB test evaluates candidates' knowledge in NoSQL databases, specifically MongoDB, and their ability to design, implement and manage MongoDB databases. It will help you find database engineers who understand MongoDB's unique properties and can leverage them to their full potential.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Ember.js test evaluates candidates' technical knowledge of the Ember.js JavaScript framework and their ability to develop and scale web applications using it. This test will help you identify the most qualified candidates who can construct ambitious web applications.

Ruby on Rails

Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
The Ruby on Rails test evaluates candidates' expertise in Ruby on Rails, their understanding of MVC architecture, and their ability to use Rails conventions for rapid application development. It will help you identify candidates who can build robust, scalable applications using the Rails framework.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Flask test evaluates candidates' proficiency in the Flask Python web framework and their ability to leverage its functionalities to build robust web applications. The test will help you identify professionals who are capable of using Flask to develop versatile backend systems.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Django screening test evaluates candidates’ proficiency in Django, a high-level Python web framework. It assesses their understanding of Django web application development, database schema design, and the capacity to integrate Django with other technologies.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Express.js test measures a candidate's ability to utilize the Express.js framework to develop web applications and APIs. Their knowledge on middleware, routing, error handling and integration with other technologies is evaluated.


Programming Language
10 min
This GraphQL test measures candidates' knowledge and proficiency in GraphQL, the powerful data manipulation and query language for APIs, and their understanding of its performance characteristics.


Programming Language
10 min
The Dart test measures candidates' understanding and proficiency with Google's Dart language. It assesses their skills in building efficient, scalable applications while following Dart programming conventions and best practices.


Programming Language
10 min
This Kotlin test measures candidates' expertise in Kotlin programming, a statically typed language widely used for Android development, and their ability to write, debug, and understand Kotlin code.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This jQuery test evaluates a candidate's knowledge of jQuery library, DOM manipulation, event handling, as well as AJAX method integration. This assessment helps to identify proficient web developers capable of using jQuery to develop interactive website features.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
The Laravel test aims to evaluate candidates' knowledge and experience with the Laravel PHP framework. It assesses understanding of Laravel's architecture, features, and best practices.

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