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Web Application Tester Skills Assessment

11 tests


A Web Application Tester is essential in ensuring software product quality, efficiency, and reliability. They must be skilled in various testing methods and web technologies.

Covered skills

Selenium Testing
Pytest Knowledge
A/B Testing
Rest API Understanding

Which skills are tested?

The Web Application Tester skill assessment is designed to evaluate candidates' abilities in a broad spectrum of areas critical for web testing. Some of these areas include their capabilities using Selenium and Pytest, knowledge of A/B testing and rest API, and proficiency in software engineering principles. It also assesses the softer skills of communication and attention to detail that are often just as important in the role of a quality assurance specialist.

Candidates taking this test will face a combination of questions from the listed areas, given through assessments such as Selenium, Pytest, Rest API & HTTP, A/B Testing, and the Software Engineering skill tests. This comprehensive test layout will allow for a rounded view of the candidate's abilities and how adept they are at identifying bugs, crafting test cases, implementing automated testing tools, among other essential tasks of a Web Application Tester.

Therefore, this assessment can be instrumental in helping to identify the best web application tester candidates, who exhibit strong problem-solving abilities, excellent communication skills, meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of web testing and automation tools. Not only does this test gauge the extent of the candidates' technical prowess, but it also sheds light on their ability to understand test requirements, communicate effectively and produce quality assured, reliable web applications.


11 tests
Selenium Testing
Pytest Knowledge
A/B Testing
Rest API Understanding

Choose and Combine these 11 Tests to find the best Web Application Tester

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance
10 min
This Quality Assurance test evaluates candidates' knowledge and skills in designing and executing test scenarios, reporting bugs, and ensuring software product quality. Ideal for candidates who can contribute to every stage of the software testing lifecycle and improve business' software offerings.

Web Testing

Quality Assurance
10 min
This Web Testing test measures candidate's knowledge and experience with testing web applications, focusing on areas such as functionality, usability, compatibility, performance, and security.


Quality Assurance
10 min
This Pytest screening test scrutinizes the technical knowledge and applicative skills of candidates in using this full-featured Python testing tool. The test gauges candidate's proficiency in writing robust and maintainable test codes.


10 min
This REST API & HTTP test evaluates candidates' understanding of REST architectural style, HTTP specifications, and their ability to design and implement RESTful APIs. This test will help you identify experts capable of building scalable REST-based services.

Software Engineering

10 min
The Software Engineering test screens candidates' understanding of software engineering principles and their ability to apply them in real-world situations. This test will help you find software engineering professionals who can execute all stages of software development, from conception to final deployment.

Verbal Reasoning

10 min
This Verbal Reasoning Test assesses candidates' comprehension and interpretation of written communication, evaluating their ability to analyze and make logical deductions from text.

Abstract Reasoning

10 min
This Abstract Reasoning test evaluates candidates' ability to identify patterns and relationships in complex conditions. It helps you identify individuals with strong analytical skills and the intellectual capacity to work through abstract ideas and problems.

Attention to Detail

10 min
This Attention to Detail Test evaluates candidates' acute attentiveness and their ability to carefully analyze situations or tasks. It determines potential hires who can perform meticulous work in various situations, contributing to efficient operations in methodical scenarios.


10 min
This communication test helps measure a candidate's abilities in both written and verbal communication, critical for any job role, and particularly vital for customer-facing and collaborative positions.

A/B Testing

Marketing & Sales
10 min
The A/B Testing test evaluates a candidate's knowledge and understanding of A/B testing concepts and best practices. It encompasses the understanding of experimental design, hypothesis testing, and statistical significance.


Frameworks and Libraries
10 min
This Selenium test evaluates candidates' knowledge and expertise in automated web testing using Selenium. This test helps identify potential QA engineers who can efficiently create and run test scripts, enhancing the reliability and performance of your web applications.

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