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Network Engineer Skills Assessment

2 tests


A Network Engineer is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining internal and external networks within an organization. They must have strong technical abilities to troubleshoot network issues and provide efficient solutions.

Covered skills

Network Administration
Abstract Reasoning

Which skills are tested?

A Network Engineer skill assessment is designed to evaluate a candidate's ability to handle tasks associated with designing and implementing functional networks, troubleshooting issues and optimizing existing networks. It is essential to validate the aptitude in network installation, configuration, maintenance, and support. This is a reliable tool for individuals aiming to filter top-tier talents who can handle server network planning, design, setup, and management responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

The skill assessment primarily focuses on key areas such as Network Administration, Bash, Powershell, Abstract Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of their proficiency with Network Administration, which covers understanding of components, architecture, management, and security protocols. It also measures their adeptness at scripting languages like Bash and Powershell, fundamental from an automation and configuration standpoint.

On a supplementary note, the assessment also gauges the aspirants on their problem-solving abilities, particularly in interpreting and deducing information, through the Abstract Reasoning and Logical Reasoning tests. Through these, the examination ensures that candidates possess the analytical skills required for effectively managing network-related issues and formulating solutions. This comprehensive assessment provides valuable insights into the candidates’ technical and cognitive abilities, essential for the role of Network Engineer.


2 tests
Network Administration
Abstract Reasoning

Choose and Combine these 2 Tests to find the best Network Engineer

Network Administration

Instrastructure Management
10 min
This Network Administration test measures candidates' knowledge and practical experience in managing and maintaining complex networks. It evaluates their understanding of network design and troubleshooting, as well as their proficiency in handling server infrastructure.

Abstract Reasoning

10 min
This Abstract Reasoning test evaluates candidates' ability to identify patterns and relationships in complex conditions. It helps you identify individuals with strong analytical skills and the intellectual capacity to work through abstract ideas and problems.

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