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Content Writer Skills Assessment

Sales and Marketing
2 tests


A Content Writer is responsible for producing engaging, clear content for a variety of channels, including websites, social media, and print publications. They have a good understanding of the target audience and industry trends, and they tailor the content to meet these specific needs.

Covered skills

English Comprehension
Verbal Reasoning
Content Creation
Research Skills

Which skills are tested?

As a content writer, it's vital to have a strong grasp of English comprehension. This skill assessment is designed to evaluate candidates' ability in reading, understanding, and interpreting written English. It closely examines their command over grammar, vocabulary, and language usage. Candidates' efficiency in reading and deriving meaningful interpretation from a complex text can be verified using the English Comprehension test.

The assessment also includes a Verbal Reasoning element — an essential skill for any writer. This module tests the candidates' reasoning skills, ability to understand and logically work through concepts and problems expressed in words. It's a pivotal competence for jobs requiring good communicative and decision-making skills. Candidates skills in solving problems, making decisions, and strategic thinking can be determined through the Verbal Reasoning test.

Successful content writers should be able to craft engaging, clear, and compelling content that aligns with the company's style and voice. They are expected to carry out research, develop original content for blogs, articles, product descriptions, and social media pages. Evaluate their ability in this skill assessment. This comprehensive assessment provides valuable insight into a candidate's abilities, aiding recruiters in hiring the most suitable talent.


Sales and Marketing
2 tests
English Comprehension
Verbal Reasoning
Content Creation
Research Skills

Choose and Combine these 2 Tests to find the best Content Writer

Verbal Reasoning

10 min
This Verbal Reasoning Test assesses candidates' comprehension and interpretation of written communication, evaluating their ability to analyze and make logical deductions from text.

English Comprehension

10 min
The English Comprehension Test assesses the candidate's understanding and interpretation of written English. This test is designed to evaluate how effectively candidates can extract and interpret meaning from written information.

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