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Online R Test - Pre-Employment Skill Assessment

Data Science & Big Data
10 min
R online testMobile R skill assessment

What is the test about?

This R test evaluates candidates' understanding of R, a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It assesses their ability to analyze data, develop statistical software, and create data visualizations using R.

Covered skills

Data manipulation with dplyr and tidyr
Data analysis with base R functions
Graphics with ggplot2
Statistics and Machine Learning

Test creator

Test creator
Waldemar Krasowski
Senior Software Engineer at Telekom
With a decade-long experience at Deutsche Telekom, Waldemar Krasowski has honed his skills as a Senior Software Engineer, excelling in the use of Linux, Python, FastAPI, and more. Known for his expertise in creating and maintaining restful MicroServices and his proficiency in ensuring service security and performance, Waldemar's adept manipulation of technologies and systems illustrates a distinct flare for efficient process management and productive team leadership.

Who should take this test?

Data Scientist, Statistician


R is a powerful framework for data analysis, data visualization, machine learning, and statistics. Its vast ecosystem of packages makes it a versatile tool for various data manipulation tasks and statistical computations.

This R test appraises candidates’ knowledge of the core R environment and its syntax. The assessment covers a range of topics, including data manipulation with popular packages like dplyr and tidyr, data analysis with the base R functions, and the creation of high-quality graphics with ggplot2.

Candidates who perform well on this test have demonstrated a strong ability to leverage R's statistical power in real-world scenarios. They can manipulate data effectively to extract insights and make predictions, making them essential assets to any data-driven team. This test is suitable for roles such as data analysts, data scientists, statisticians, and any other positions that require extensive data manipulation and interpretation.


Data Science & Big Data
10 min
Data manipulation with dplyr and tidyr
Data analysis with base R functions
Graphics with ggplot2
Statistics and Machine Learning

Test creator

Test creator
Waldemar Krasowski
Senior Software Engineer at Telekom
With a decade-long experience at Deutsche Telekom, Waldemar Krasowski has honed his skills as a Senior Software Engineer, excelling in the use of Linux, Python, FastAPI, and more. Known for his expertise in creating and maintaining restful MicroServices and his proficiency in ensuring service security and performance, Waldemar's adept manipulation of technologies and systems illustrates a distinct flare for efficient process management and productive team leadership.