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Online Power Point Test - Pre-Employment Skill Assessment

10 min
Power Point online testMobile Power Point skill assessment

What is the test about?

This PowerPoint screening test assesses candidates' proficiency in creating, optimizing, and presenting slide-based presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. The test focuses on evaluating knowledge on slide design, multimedia integration, data visualization, and PowerPoint's unique features.

Covered skills

Slide and layout design
Multimedia integration
Creation of interactive elements
Data visualization

Test creator

Test creator
Markus Wieczorek
Category Manager at Cyberport SE
Throughout his tenure of over 8 years at Cyberport SE, Markus Wieczorek has demonstrated remarkable growth and expertise. Beginning his career as an IT Systems Specialist, he quickly advanced to a Junior Category Manager role in Smart Home products. Markus continued to ascent into significant managerial roles, overseeing PC Systems before eventually assuming his current role as the Category Manager for HP Inc. Personal Systems. His broad experience across various product categories illustrates his comprehensive knowledge and managerial acumen in tech-focused retail environments.

Who should take this test?

Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Manager, Office Coordinator, Project Manager, Receptionist, Secretary


In an increasingly digital business environment, the ability to create compelling visual presentations is an essential skill. Microsoft PowerPoint offers a comprehensive set of tools for this purpose. Hiring candidates adept in PowerPoint usage ensures that your organization can effectively convey complex ideas, data and strategies in a clear, professional, and visually appealing manner.

This test evaluates candidates’ abilities in slide and layout design, integration of multimedia elements, creation of interactive elements, data visualization, and leveraging unique features offered by PowerPoint. By assessing their skills in these areas, the test gauges candidates’ proficiency in using Microsoft PowerPoint to create and present high-quality business presentations.

Candidates who excel in this test demonstrate significant expertise in Microsoft PowerPoint. They would have proven their ability to use PowerPoint to craft and deliver powerful presentations, contributing to effective internal communication as well as outstanding external presentations to customers, clients, and stakeholders. This test is ideal for candidates working in roles such as sales and marketing, corporate communication, project management, business analysis, and more.


10 min
Slide and layout design
Multimedia integration
Creation of interactive elements
Data visualization

Test creator

Test creator
Markus Wieczorek
Category Manager at Cyberport SE
Throughout his tenure of over 8 years at Cyberport SE, Markus Wieczorek has demonstrated remarkable growth and expertise. Beginning his career as an IT Systems Specialist, he quickly advanced to a Junior Category Manager role in Smart Home products. Markus continued to ascent into significant managerial roles, overseeing PC Systems before eventually assuming his current role as the Category Manager for HP Inc. Personal Systems. His broad experience across various product categories illustrates his comprehensive knowledge and managerial acumen in tech-focused retail environments.