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Online Kotlin Test - Pre-Employment Skill Assessment

Programming Language
10 min
Kotlin online testMobile Kotlin skill assessment

What is the test about?

This Kotlin test measures candidates' expertise in Kotlin programming, a statically typed language widely used for Android development, and their ability to write, debug, and understand Kotlin code.

Covered skills

Understanding Kotlin Syntax and Features
Android Development with Kotlin
Functional Programming with Kotlin
Concurrency with Kotlin Coroutines

Test creator

Test creator
Richard Krasowski
Senior Full Stack Developer at ImmoScout24
Bringing an impressive track record of over 12 years in the IT sector, Richard Krasowski is a seasoned Full Stack Engineer. His diverse technical prowess spans across prime competencies like Java, Hibernate, Spring, Kotlin, and more. With a strong aptitude for coding and problem-solving, Richard has consistently delivered optimal solutions, showcasing his expert mastery in the realm of software development.

Who should take this test?

Android Developer, Back-End Developer, Full-Stack Developer, Mobile Developer, Software Developer, Web Developer


Kotlin is a modern, statically-typed programming language developed by JetBrains that targets the JVM, Android, JavaScript, and Native. It is known for its concise syntax, interoperability with Java, and handy features like coroutines and extension functions. Kotlin is the preferred language for Android app development, as declared by Google, and its popularity is rapidly increasing in the tech industry.

This Kotlin test assesses candidates' knowledge of the core fundamentals of Kotlin, and their adeptness with its syntax, features, and best practices. It includes a series of questions and tasks to gauge their ability in writing, debugging, and understanding complex Kotlin code. It also evaluates their familiarity with creating Android apps, functional programming with Kotlin, and utilizing Kotlin's coroutines.

Candidates who excel in this test prove that they can efficiently use Kotlin for different application development needs and are capable of exploiting its key features to build robust, versatile, and efficient software applications. With a sharp proficiency in Kotlin, developers can contribute to various tech stacks, including Android development, backend development with Spring and Ktor, and even frontend development with Kotlin/JS.


Programming Language
10 min
Understanding Kotlin Syntax and Features
Android Development with Kotlin
Functional Programming with Kotlin
Concurrency with Kotlin Coroutines

Test creator

Test creator
Richard Krasowski
Senior Full Stack Developer at ImmoScout24
Bringing an impressive track record of over 12 years in the IT sector, Richard Krasowski is a seasoned Full Stack Engineer. His diverse technical prowess spans across prime competencies like Java, Hibernate, Spring, Kotlin, and more. With a strong aptitude for coding and problem-solving, Richard has consistently delivered optimal solutions, showcasing his expert mastery in the realm of software development.